ROOTS Palm Inoculation Program
Principle: Extensive research has proven that the presence of abundant mycorrhizae and beneficial rhizosphere bacteria greatly improves the survival, growth rate, and disease resistance of plants compared to plants lacking these. This is particularly true for plants growing in stressed or degraded sites, urban environments, drought conditions, and compacted soils. The following treatment program combines these beneficial microbes with micronutrients, slow-release fertilizers, and organic soil conditioners to improve transplant survival and long-term health of palms and tropical plants.
- Purpose: Pre-inoculation of Palms being lifted
Products: ROOTS Injectable For Trees, ROOTS BioPak Plus 3-0-20
Rate: 0.5-lb (Injectable). 1-lb BioPak Plus per 50 gallon tank.
Technique: Inject 1 quart per injection every 1 foot on edge of Root ball and on 1 foot centers within root ball.
Frequency: Immediately after lifting. - Purpose: Installation of Palms--Injection Technique
Products: ROOTS Injectable For Trees, ROOTS BioPak Plus 3-0-20
Rate: 0.5-lb (Injectable). 1-lb BioPak Plus per 50 gallon tank.
Technique: Inject 1 quart per injection every 1 foot on edge of Root ball and on 1 foot centers within root ball.
Frequency: Immediately after planting. - Purpose: Installation of Palms-Granular Technique
Products: ROOTS Palm Saver
Rate: Use two 6-oz scoops per foot diameter of root ball.
Technique: Mix evenly into upper 8 inches of soil around root ball.
Frequency: During transplanting. - Purpose: Maintenance of Palms—Injection Technique
Products: ROOTS Injectable For Trees, ROOTS BioPak Plus 3-0-20
Rate: 0.5-lb (Injectable). 1-lb BioPak Plus per 50 gallon tank.
Technique: Inject 1 quart per injection on 1.5-foot centers beneath the canopy.
Frequency: Once every year, and whenever stress is evident. - Purpose: Maintenance of Palms—Granular Technique
Products: ROOTS Palm Saver
Rate: Use 6-oz per each vertimulch core. Make 4-cores per tree for medium-sized trees.
Technique: Apply as a vertimulch on 1.5-foot centers beneath canopy.
Frequency: Once every year or whenever stress is evident.