11 Grass Seeding Tips to Get Your Spring Season Off to a Great Start

Spring is around the corner, and you'll soon be busy working on customers' lawns. You'll probably need to reseed some bare spots on properties. And you'll probably seed new lots in the upcoming growing season.

While you may be a seasoned lawn care pro or a newbie to the profession, reviewing the vital tips for a successful turf season is still essential.

What You Need to Know When Buying Turf Seed

The quality of the turfgrass seed determines the success of your customer's lawn. Remember, what you plant now will last in your client's yard for up to 20 years or more, so you want the best seed varieties available.

Here are four questions to ask yourself before planting turfgrass this spring:

  1. What's the lawn site's condition? Are there a lot of weeds, rocks, and other debris? Or will you be starting fresh on a newly constructed lot? Also, are you overseeding or putting in a brand new lawn?
  2. What is the planned use of this site now? In the future? It'll probably stay as an entire grass lawn if it's a commercial site. However, if this is a residential property, will kids eventually play out in the yard? Is this an HOA property? 
  3. What are the planned maintenance needs for this site? How much will the homeowners want to take care of the lawn if it's residential?
  4. What type of seed are you buying to use on your customers' lawn sites? You want quality seed that only the professionals use. Here's an article to help you with seed quality.

How to Calculate the Amount of Grass Seed You Need

Next, you need to choose the right seed for the right place on-site. For example, full sun areas need Kentucky bluegrass varieties that thrive in those sunny areas.

Likewise, you want to use tall fescue for shaded areas if you live in the U.S. temperate zone. 

Third, you measure the site where you'll be seeding. Here are the steps for calculating the area:

  • Measure the entire property that will only have turf on it. You don't want to include flowerbeds, hardscapes, and landscaped areas in your final measurements.
  • You need to consider the area you're seeding—will it be repairing bare spots or putting down an entirely new lawn?

Remember to buy quality grass seed. Many LebanonTurf types of grass meet sustainability and water conservation through the A-List Organization, the Alliance for Low Input, Sustainable Turf.

The A-List Organization is a non-profit that helps lawn care operators and grass growers by providing holistic guidelines that factor into sustainable plant growth. Since many U.S. regions are experiencing extreme weather conditions and drought, it's vital to use turfgrass seeds to handle these challenges.

Read more: The Sustainable Benefits of Grasscycling

11 Keys for Establishing Cool Season Grasses

Now that you know the basics, it's time to learn the tips for productive seed planting and establishment. 

Ideally, you want to plant lawn grass seed in the fall when the temperatures are cooler and there's plenty of rainfall. However, early spring is the second-best time because of the cooler temperatures. 

Here are 11 keys for successfully growing cool season grasses:

  1. Don't put down seeds too early in the season because they won't germinate due to the cold weather. Wait until the soil temperatures warm up to 50ºF - 65ºF. 
  2. Remember, turf seed will be competing with grassy weeds, such as crabgrass. And you can't use a crabgrass preventer because it'll stop your turfgrass seeds from germinating. Instead, you need ProScape® 21-22-4 Starter Fertilizer with .08 Mesotrione SGN 125. This product has .08 Mesotrione, a pre-emergent control of weeds that you can use when establishing new turf.
  3. You need to prep the soil before planting the seeds. Test the ground before you prep it. A soil test will give you an accurate picture of the soil's health—does it need more N-P-K? How's the pH level? Add soil conditioners to get the earth back to optimal planting.
  4. Till the earth 4"-6" in-depth and remove all stones, rocks, and other debris.
  5. After you're finished tilling, rake the topsoil surface so that it's even.
  6. Plant the turfgrass seed evenly and for a uniform grass stand at the recommended rate.
  7. Use a hand spreader to put down seeds in narrow and hard-to-reach areas.
  8. Use a broadcast or drop spreader to lay down seed for open areas.
  9. Use half of the seed across the yard in even rows. Then, use the second half of the seed from top to bottom at right angles to the first passes to prevent bare spots. 
  10. Lightly cover the area with mulch, such as PennMulch Seed Accelerator, a combination of fertilizer and mulch in one. PennMulch Seed Accelerator is superior to hay and straw mulch because it contains zero weed seeds. It also helps to establish new turf with better water management and quick germination.
  11. Next, tell your customers how often to irrigate their new lawn and when it's safe to mow it.

Invest in top turfgrass seed and other lawn care products when you buy PennMulch Seed Accelerator and ProScape® 21-22-4 Starter Fertilizer With .08 Mesotrione SGN 125. Find a distributor near you for all of your LebanonTurf needs.

Learn more: How Combination Lawn Care Products Can Save You More than Time

LebanonTurf.com, Buying Grass Seed.

Ibid, Calculating Seed Rates.

Ibid, How to Find Quality Turf Seed That Makes your Customers' Lawns Look Perfect.

Ibid, Keys to Successful Turf Establishment of Cool Season Grasses.